Andrew Gingerich



Andrew Gin­gerich is a film­mak­er whose work explores notions of fam­i­ly, dis­so­ci­at­ed iden­ti­ties, region­al alle­giances, and the bound­aries of fic­tion. He lives and teach­es in Michi­gan’s Upper Peninsula.


  • Some approach­es to light­ing for film stu­dents who are iso­lat­ing at home with­out access to movie lights, using the sun and a vari­ety of house­hold light sources.

  • A quick overview of how to improve the qual­i­ty of sound record­ings made with phones, built-in mics, and pock­et recorders.

  • Video for social-dis­tanc­ing film stu­dents: a crash course in life with­out a tripod.

  • Tech­ni­cal and cre­ative guid­ance for film stu­dents with lim­it­ed access to crew and equip­ment while iso­lat­ing from COVID-19

  • Thoughts on the neces­si­ty of virtue in film arts and edu­ca­tion, and how that relates to my class­room practice.

  • Noah is asked to be some­one he isn’t.

  • Reflec­tions on how to make a film edu­ca­tion “worth it:” crit­i­cal dis­cus­sion, struc­tured cri­tique, and rad­i­cal collaboration.

  • Exam­in­ing how Erv­ing Goff­man’s notions of social per­for­mance relate to the ways peo­ple in doc­u­men­taries behave when they know a cam­era is point­ed at them.

  • Excerpt­ed film and video work direct­ed and edit­ed by me

  • Por­traits of actors I’ve direct­ed, shot on 16mm motion pic­ture film.

  • An exper­i­men­tal doc­u­men­tary about death, grief, and humor.

  • A young woman is trou­bled by dreams of a life that isn’t hers.

  • A con­ver­sa­tion about resent­ment, based on a dream I had in 2014.

  • Tier II Mud Mon­i­tor Bonan­za Gloop encoun­ters a woe­ful sight that forces her to reeval­u­ate every­thing she holds dear.

  • A cou­ple sip cof­fee while pon­der­ing their future. A poem by Bri­an­na Kratz, after Louise Glück­’s The Bal­cony.

  • An attempt to com­mu­ni­cate with rail com­muters in north­ern Chica­go, trans­form­ing their phones and tablets into imper­fect win­dows onto the phys­i­cal expe­ri­ence of their commute.

  • A weath­er anthro­pol­o­gy: Dis­tant voic­es ani­mate doppler radar images of their cities as they dis­cuss their lives and the weath­er for Sun­day, Novem­ber 5th, 2017.

  • She finds it eas­i­er to escape alone than to remain togeth­er. A film based on a poem by Bri­an­na Kratz.

  • Retired emer­gency room nurse Gladys teach­es her grand­son how to make pick­led beets.

  • Attach­ment is a use­ful but some­times dan­ger­ous trait. Based on a poem by Bri­an­na Kratz.

  • The speak­er reflects on being a shrink­ing dot—an image in a mir­ror, pon­der­ing what the future holds. Based on a poem by Bri­an­na Kratz.

  • Instruc­tors Shane Con­ley and Dirk Bak dis­cuss the West­ern Iowa Tech Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege Motor­cy­cle and Pow­er Sports program.

  • I direct­ed this music video for coun­try music artist Kelsey K, pro­duced with the assis­tance of the West­ern Iowa Tech Film and Media Pro­duc­tion program.

  • Dig­i­tal sig­nage instal­la­tion fea­tur­ing pro­grams of study at West­ern Iowa Tech Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege, pro­duced with the help of my WIT Film & Media Pro­duc­tion students.

  • Steve Aron­son of Teach Authen­tic dis­cuss­es his phi­los­o­phy of class­room man­age­ment and gen­uine inter­ac­tion with students.

  • A video intro­duc­ing the Peru­vian wom­en’s NGO Mujeres Unidas de Can­de­lar­ia and out­lin­ing its mission.

  • A short film in the style of a ’70s thriller trailer.

  • Col­orado State House Rep­re­sen­ta­tive John Kefalas dis­cuss­es the issues piv­otal to his 2010 reelec­tion cam­paign in this web series.

  • When thir­teen mem­bers of the mys­te­ri­ous High­er Pur­pose Group are found dead, police turn to Broth­er Adam, the sole sur­viv­ing mem­ber of the group, for answers.

  • Star­ring Lan­dyn Banx in a film about Lan­dyn Banx, writ­ten and direct­ed by Lan­dyn Banx, adapt­ed from the play Lan­dyn Banx, by Lan­dyn Banx.

  • The Note-Mak­er runs out of pens.