Andrew Gingerich



Andrew Gin­gerich is a film­mak­er whose work explores notions of fam­i­ly, dis­so­ci­at­ed iden­ti­ties, region­al alle­giances, and the bound­aries of fic­tion. He lives and teach­es in Michi­gan’s Upper Peninsula.

Better sound

  • 11 min­utes – HD Video for online course – Color
  • My role: Instructor

A quick overview of how to improve the qual­i­ty of sound record­ings made with phones, built-in mics, and pock­et recorders.

This is anoth­er online demo for my Film 118 stu­dents at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, when COVID-19 iso­la­tion mea­sures drove the course online-only. My stu­dents lost access to Uni­ver­si­ty equip­ment halfway through the semes­ter, which meant that many of them had to com­plete the course using only a smart­phone and with­out access to audio recorders or micro­phones. In this video, I want­ed to demon­strate a few ways stu­dents could get bet­ter-qual­i­ty sound from the low-qual­i­ty micro­phones built into their cam­eras, phones, and oth­er devices.

I men­tion a cou­ple audio recorders in the video…

  • The Tas­cam DR-05X
  • The Zoom H1n – They’re closed for Passover until lat­er this week, but as of mid-April 2020, B&H has a great deal on the gray Zoom H1n, mak­ing it com­pa­ra­ble in price to the Tas­cam DR-05X (fol­low this link and then click “Gray” under the col­or options).