Andrew Gingerich



Andrew Gin­gerich is a film­mak­er whose work explores notions of fam­i­ly, dis­so­ci­at­ed iden­ti­ties, region­al alle­giances, and the bound­aries of fic­tion. He lives and teach­es in Michi­gan’s Upper Peninsula.

Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our web­site address is: https://​agin​gerich​.com.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Contact forms

Embedded content from other websites

Arti­cles on this site may include embed­ded con­tent (e.g. videos, images, arti­cles, etc.). Embed­ded con­tent from oth­er web­sites behaves in the exact same way as if the vis­i­tor has vis­it­ed the oth­er website.

These web­sites may col­lect data about you, use cook­ies, embed addi­tion­al third-par­ty track­ing, and mon­i­tor your inter­ac­tion with that embed­ded con­tent, includ­ing track­ing your inter­ac­tion with the embed­ded con­tent if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Contact information

Pri­va­cy-relat­ed ques­tions and con­cerns may be direct­ed through the online sub­mis­sion form on the About/​Contact page.

Additional information


wp-Typog­ra­phy does not store, trans­mit or oth­er­wise process per­son­al data as such. It does cache the con­tent of the site’s posts. If nec­es­sary, you can clear this cache from the plug­in’s set­tings page.


This fea­ture only records activ­i­ties of a site’s reg­is­tered users, and the reten­tion dura­tion of activ­i­ty data will depend on the site’s plan and activ­i­ty type.

Data Used: To deliv­er this func­tion­al­i­ty and record activ­i­ties around site man­age­ment, the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is cap­tured: user email address, user role, user login, user dis­play name, Word​Press​.com and local user IDs, the activ­i­ty to be record­ed, the site ID of the site on which the activ­i­ty takes place, the site’s Jet­pack ver­sion, and the time­stamp of the activ­i­ty. Some activ­i­ties may also include the actor’s IP address (login attempts, for exam­ple) and user agent.

Activ­i­ty Tracked: Login attempts/​actions, post and page update and pub­lish actions, comment/​pingback sub­mis­sion and man­age­ment actions, plu­g­in and theme man­age­ment actions, wid­get updates, user man­age­ment actions, and the mod­i­fi­ca­tion of oth­er var­i­ous site set­tings and options. Reten­tion dura­tion of activ­i­ty data depends on the site’s plan and activ­i­ty type. See the com­plete list of cur­rent­ly-record­ed activ­i­ties (along with reten­tion infor­ma­tion).

Data Synced (?): Suc­cess­ful and failed login attempts, which will include the actor’s IP address and user agent.

Contact Form

Data Used: If Akismet is enabled on the site, the con­tact form sub­mis­sion data — IP address, user agent, name, email address, web­site, and mes­sage — is sub­mit­ted to the Akismet ser­vice (also owned by Automat­tic) for the sole pur­pose of spam check­ing. The actu­al sub­mis­sion data is stored in the data­base of the site on which it was sub­mit­ted and is emailed direct­ly to the own­er of the form (i.e. the site author who pub­lished the page on which the con­tact form resides). This email will include the submitter’s IP address, time­stamp, name, email address, web­site, and message.

Data Synced (?): Post and post meta data asso­ci­at­ed with a user’s con­tact form sub­mis­sion. If Akismet is enabled on the site, the IP address and user agent orig­i­nal­ly sub­mit­ted with the com­ment are synced, as well, as they are stored in post meta.

Google Analytics

Data Used: Please refer to the appro­pri­ate Google Ana­lyt­ics doc­u­men­ta­tion for the spe­cif­ic type of data it col­lects. Google Ana­lyt­ics does offer IP anonymiza­tion, which can be enabled by the site owner.

Activ­i­ty Tracked: This fea­ture sends page view events (and poten­tial­ly video play events) over to Google Ana­lyt­ics for consumption. 

Infinite Scroll

Data Used: In order to record page views via Word​Press​.com Stats (which must be enabled for page view track­ing here to work) with addi­tion­al loads, the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is used: IP address, Word​Press​.com user ID (if logged in), Word​Press​.com user­name (if logged in), user agent, vis­it­ing URL, refer­ring URL, time­stamp of event, brows­er lan­guage, coun­try code.

Activ­i­ty Tracked: Page views will be tracked with each addi­tion­al load (i.e. when you scroll down to the bot­tom of the page and a new set of posts loads auto­mat­i­cal­ly). If the site own­er has enabled Google Ana­lyt­ics to work with this fea­ture, a page view event will also be sent to the appro­pri­ate Google Ana­lyt­ics account with each addi­tion­al load.