Andrew Gingerich



Andrew Gin­gerich is a film­mak­er whose work explores notions of fam­i­ly, dis­so­ci­at­ed iden­ti­ties, region­al alle­giances, and the bound­aries of fic­tion. He lives and teach­es in Michi­gan’s Upper Peninsula.

Walking Away From Your Car

  • 1 minute – HD video – Color
  • My role: Director/​Cinematographer/​Editor

The speak­er reflects on being a shrink­ing dot—an image in a mir­ror, pon­der­ing what the future holds. Based on a poem by Bri­an­na Kratz.

Director’s statement

The first film in the Lens + Ink series, this was the result of a col­lab­o­ra­tion with the poet Bri­an­na Kratz. In trans­lat­ing the poem to film, we embraced mon­tage as a way to extend the nar­ra­tive and com­pli­cate the source text.


  • Writ­ten and Per­formed by Bri­an­na Kratz 
  • Direct­ed by Andrew Gin­gerich

Walking away from your car

By Bri­an­na Kratz 

  • feels famil­iar.  Feels right.
  • As if see­ing you off
  • on your travels
  • makes sense in the cos­mic book
  • of some sort of fate.
  • I turn around in spirals,
  • glimps­ing home,
    • glimps­ing you,
  • build­ings,
    • your car,
  • until you dri­ve off and away.
  • I’m a shrink­ing dot
  • in your rearview mirror,
  • giv­ing you some reminder
  • of what was worth the drive.